Blog Posts Page 6
Reflections on 2022
As we come to the end of another year, lets look back at the highlights and reflect on the year. Although this post focuses on my personal achievements…
Festive Tech Calender - Building a Festive Poll with SignalR
This year for the Festive Tech Calender I have created a christmas themed poll sample that is updated in real time using serverless SignalR, Azure functions…
My Top 10 Visual Studio Code Extensions for 2022
One of the best features of VS Code is the ability to extend it through the use of extensions. In this post we covered my current favorite extensions.…
How to Build a Url Shorter with C# Minimal APIs and Azure
For some time now I have wanted to create a URL shortener of my own, and although there are many third-party services that offer this there's an appeal…
Azure Blob Storage and Life Cycle Management
During the month of September, the Azure Back to School community event showcases a large number of Azure related videos and blog posts from community…
Prompting Developers to Install Recommended Azure Tools
Discovering which prerequisite add-ons are needed for a project, then finding them online before installing them can be time consuming and frustrating.…