Blog Posts Page 11
OAuth Device Flow for IoT with the Microsoft Graph API
Device code flow is a flow for browserless and input constrained devices that can be used by your applications on IoT devices…
Project Teams to Product Teams with Team Topologies
As our department grew both in numbers of engineers and in products owned there was a need to revisit this structure, to reduce cognitive load and increase…
The Inevitability of Bugs and the Need for Error Codes
It seems like an inevitability that with modern software comes bugs, errors and unexpected features.…
Random Learnings from Entering JS13K Games 2019
The JS13K Games is an annual, coding competition to create a web-based game with a size of only 13k.…
Silverlight and XAML Legacy
Back in 2009 I wrote a series of Silverlight blog posts this is a download of them.…