Chrome Browser Extensions for Azure and Azure DevOps

John Kilmister, ยท 2 min read

I have found a number of useful browser extensions for Azure and Azure DevOps and wanted to share them here. Some of these also are available for other browsers so checkout the official websites for more details.

Before we get to far it is worth a note of caution. Browser plugins gain access to the content of the page you are viewing. This means they can potentially see your personal information, passwords and other sensitive data. It is important to only install extensions from trusted sources and to read the permissions they require.

Azure Fav Icons

By default, every tab you open in the Azure Portal has the same icon making it difficult to find the tab you are looking for.

Screenshot of the Azure Portal Fav Icons without Extension

The Azure Favicons extension updates the icon on the tab to match the service making it easier to find the tab you are looking for.

Screenshot of the Azure Portal Fav Icons with Extension

Azure Favicons

Azure Mask

Azure is full of sensitive information from passwords to access keys. This can be an issue when presenting to a group or recording a video. Azure Mask will try to mask sensitive information in the Azure Portal to prevent accidental exposure.

Screenshot of the Azure Portal Mask Extension

Az Mask

Azure DevOps Icons

Much like the Azure Favicons extension this extension adds icons to the tabs in Azure DevOps to make it easier to find the tab you are looking for.

Azure DevOps icons

Azure devops search allows you to quickly find work items and other items in Azure DevOps.

Screenshot of the Azure DevOps Search

Azure DevOps Search

If you have an extension you use, share it in the comments below.

Tile Photo by on Unsplash

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