Blog Posts Page 3
Managing your Azure Resources with Deployment Stacks
Deployment stacks are a new feature of Azure that we can attach resources to. These offer a range of unique abilities to help us better manage our resources…
Azure Metrics in Teams with Azure Functions and Adaptive Card Tables
Azure has many useful metrics, and we can set up email alerts but it can be easy for these to get lots. In this article, I will show you how to create…
Connecting Azure to Azure DevOps with Federated Credentials and Service Connections
We will look at how to connect Azure to Azure DevOps using Federation Credentials, Service Connections, and Managed Identities using both manual and automatic…
Reflections on 2023
As we come to the end of another year, lets look back at the highlights and reflect on the year. Although this post focuses on my personal achievements…
Creating Command Line Azure DevOps Pull Requests
In this post we look at how we can create Azure DevOps pull requests from the command line using the azure devops CLI and some powershell.…
Festive Tech Calender - Building a Word Search in C#
An overview of the BlueBoxes.WordSearchBuilder Nuget package and how to use it to build a word search.…